Python Projects with Source Code PDF and Documentation
You will always find the updated list of top and best free python projects with source code pdf in an easy and quick way. Our python project with source code and documentation list has python projects pdf for beginners, intermediates as well as experts to learn in 2025.
Python is a versatile and beginner-friendly programming language which powers applications ranging from web development to data analysis. Its simplicity and extensive libraries make it a go-to choice for developers, enabling rapid development and innovation.
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We have provided multiple complete python mini project report pdf for any university student to enhance more knowledge about their python project documentation pdf and to score better marks in their college exams.
College students can easily make use of all these free python projects with source code pdf by downloading them. These python projects with source code and database free pdf will help you tremendously in preparation of your own college projects.
Table of Contents
1. Online Nursery Plant Shopping Python Project PDF
This Online Nursery Plant Shopping Python Project allows you to shop for plants from the comfort and convenience of your homes.
Using this application, customers can view all the available plants with details such as the plant’s cost, level of maintenance required, watering schedule, etc.
In this free python projects with source code pdf, there are two users Admin and Customer. The admin can view, add, delete, and update flowering plants details. Admin has the privilege of viewing customers, plants details, order details and customer reviews.
2. Knee Osteoarthritis Detection and Severity Prediction Python Project PDF
The Knee Osteoarthritis Detection helps patients detect Osteoarthritis in their knees. Along with helping with early detection, this web application also detects the severity of the disorder.
The patient has the option to register and fill his details. He has to give his name, username, x-ray photo, guardian photo, his own photo, identity photo, licence photo and other details.
We can have people of same names but we cannot have people with similar username. And hence there will be no mis-match. Each person will have a unique username and a particular detection along with its symptoms and solution.
3. Arcade Shooter Game Python Project PDF
This Arcade Shooter Game Python Project mixes elements of platform games with run and gun games. As the player jumps from one platform to another and advances through the game, they’ll run into Goblins who’ll fire upon them.
To survive through a level, the player must fire at goblins and simultaneously dodge their attacks. If a player gets killed by Goblins, they’ll end up at the beginning of the level.
4. Space Shooter Combat Game Python Project PDF
This Space Shooter Combat Game Python Project features two types of power-ups. While one boosts your defense by replenishing your health, the other improves your attack by doubling and tripling your rate of fire and increasing the damage dealt.
As a player’s score increases, the game bumps up the difficulty by increasing the frequency of the falling asteroids. Thereby, ensuring the player stays engaged and alert.
5. Online PDF to Text Converter & Language Translator Python Project PDF
This Online PDF to Text Converter & Language Translator Python Project has a user page that first lets you sign up and thereafter one can log in and one has to send in a pdf file containing text.
The text is read by the function “PyPDF2.PdfFileReader” and it is converted to byte form. The text is then extracted using the function “text.extractText()”.
The library googletrans is used to convert the text written in a particular language into the audio form of a particular language.
6. Online Fake Logo Detection System Python Project PDF
This Online Fake Logo Detection System Python Project aims to help consumers distinguish forgeries from the original product. Using this system, a consumer can verify whether a product is in fact an original.
This python projects for beginners pdf can also be helpful for brands struggling to fight against forged products. Counterfeit products usually have an inferior built quality and along with stealing sales, they also damaging a brand’s reputation in the long run.
Along with harming a brand’s sales and reputation, unaware consumers also get cheated out of their money. This Logo Detection project aims to help users identify forgeries by analysing the logo on the product. Along with helping users identify the logo, this app also helps brands combat logo piracy.
7. Students Grievance Redressal Cell Python Project PDF
The Students Grievance Redressal Cell Python Project functions to look into the grievances lodged by any student. Students may approach the cell to voice their grievances regarding academic matters, health services, library and other services.
Anyone with a genuine grievance may approach the Co-ordinator or member of the Student’s Grievance cell, Grievance cell is formed in order to keep the healthy working atmosphere amongst staff and students, Admin can view the resolving status of all grievance.
8. Online Fashion Stylist Python Project PDF
The Online Fashion Stylist Python Project proposed here will automate the process of online shopping for the users by providing a customer-friendly experience. This system will connect the users & the fashion stylists.
The users can view the stylists’ profiles. The users can view the available stylists and can request for chat. Based on the inputs received from the user, the stylist will recommend products and accessories that will suit the user’s interest & personality.
Both the users & stylists can access the system by registering themselves on the website.
9. Facial Emotion Detection using Convolutional Neural Network Python Project PDF
This Facial Emotion Detection using Convolutional Neural Network Python Project can detect the Live Emotions of the particular user, system compares the information with a training dataset of known emotion to find a match.
Different emotion types are detected through the integration of information from facial expressions, body movement and gestures, and speech.
The technology is said to contribute in the emergence of the so-called emotional or emotive Internet, Algorithm involve the use of different supervised machine learning algorithms in which a large set of annotated data is fed into the algorithms for the system to learn and predict the appropriate emotion.
10. Flight Ticket Price Predictor Python Project PDF
In this Flight Ticket Price Predictor Python Project, there is only one module namely, User. User can login with valid credentials in order to access the web application.
A traveller can access this module to get the future price prediction of individual airlines. The prediction will help a traveller to decide a specific airline as per his/her budget.
Single entries of current or previous data can be made. This training set is used to train the algorithm for accurate predictions.
So, these are the free python projects with source code pdf available online. We hope our python project with source code and documentation pdf has helped you. Please share these python projects for final year students with source code free with your friends as well 🙏
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Author: Delhi University