Simple Matlab Projects with Source Code PDF
You will always find the updated list of top and best simple matlab projects with source code pdf in an easy and quick way. Our matlab projects list has matlab projects for beginners pdf, intermediates as well as experts to learn in 2025.
Matlab is a versatile mathematical computing environment that empowers engineers and scientists to tackle complex problems through advanced numerical analysis and modeling. Its intuitive interface and powerful tools make it a cornerstone of research and innovation.
Matlab mini projects with source code pdf provides educational opportunities for college students who wants to acquire new skills and knowledge because they let you learn a lot without paying. You need to be dedicated, curious and take the lead in your learning to get the most out of these free matlab image processing projects with source code.
We have provided multiple complete simple matlab projects with source code pdf for any university student to enhance more knowledge about their matlab project with source code and to score better marks in their college exams.
College students can easily make use of all these image processing projects using matlab with source code pdf by downloading them. These simple matlab projects for beginners with source code will help you tremendously in preparation of your own college projects.
Table of Contents
1. Removal of Background from Image using MATLAB Project PDF
Foreground detection is a technique in the fields of image processing and computer vision where an image foreground is extracted for further processing.
The foreground object boundaries extraction reduces the amount of data to be processed and also provides important information about the object.
If a car is going on the road, the car forms the foreground object and the road is considered as the background.
This removal of background image project reads a cluster of images and takes out the background from a series of same images by removing actions.
2. Defect Detection In Ceramic Tiles Matlab Project PDF
We used a technique to remove light from image which helps to detect crack with good accuracy. Image pre-processing steps are used to remove noise from image. Convert the image to binary image.
Read the binary image and create a vertical line shaped structuring element and Dilate the image with a vertical line structuring element. Dilation methodology will make the crack bolder.
Due to image processing, system finds unwanted objects along with crack. To detect only crack we remove those unwanted objects from image using MATLAB inbuild function.
Some gaps to be filled after removing unwanted objects. System detects crack based on connected component.
3. Fruit Recognition Using Color Analysis Matlab Project PDF
In this Fruit Recognition Using Color Analysis Matlab Project, fruits are recognized based on RGB color. System successfully recognizes unique color fruits. System identifies fruits based on specified RGB range.
For more accuracy we had applied image pre-processing steps. System detects the pixels which falls under RGB range and selects connected pixels. System counts number of connected pixels.
Based on number of connected pixels, system will detect the fruit uploaded by user. We use matlab to preprocess input images and then use color grading in order to identify the best match of the fruit in the provided image.
4. Signature Verification System Matlab Project PDF
In this Signature Verification System Matlab Project, we normalize the signature image and system checks whether the signature matches with original signature. System applies image pre-processing steps.
Image is converted to black and white image. Morphing technology is used in order to thin the image. By extracting black pixels, the curve of the signature is recognized. X and Y co-ordinates of original image is extracted.
New co-ordinates are generated and signature is rotated by passing the new co-ordinates. After rotating the image, Signature might go out of the boundary therefore we calculated the moving co-ordinates of x and y.
5. Traffic Signs Detection Using Matlab Project PDF
In this Traffic Signs Detection Using Matlab Project, traffic sign are detected and name of the sign will be displayed as output. Here we implemented image processing steps to detect traffic sign.
User need to input the traffic sign images into the system. System will apply effective algorithm to detect traffic sign. We first converted rgb image to gray scale image.
Image is further converted into black and white image inorder to apply image processing steps. Captured images are more prone to noise and environmental inetrefernce, so we applied filtering techniques to remove noise.
6. Symbol Recognition using Matlab Project PDF
In this Symbol Recognition using Matlab Project, symbol are recognized by the system, user will input symbol images system will apply algorithm to identify the symbol.
Here in this system we applied some image processing steps in order to work with images. We converted the rgb image into gray scale image.
Image is converted into gray scale image to apply further image processing steps. Than gray scale image into black white image, this is done due to accuracy.
We had applied some image preprocessing steps in order to remove some unwanted objects and environmental interference.
7. Diabetic Retinopathy Detection from Retinal Images Matlab Project PDF
In this Diabetic Retinopathy Detection from Retinal Images Matlab Project, we extract retinal blood vessels for detecting eye diseases.
Manually extracting the retinal blood vessels is a long task there are many automated methods are available which makes work easier.
Here proposed an algorithm to extract blood vessels from images. We used filtering methods to remove noise and environmental interference from image.
Local entropy thresholding and alternative sequential filter methodology has been adopted in this system. We had implemented this system in matlab. User will input retina image into system.
8. Brain Tumor Detection Using Image Segmentation Matlab Project PDF
In this Brain Tumor Detection Using Image Segmentation Matlab Project, we applied a unique algorithm to detect tumor from brain image. But edges of the image are not sharp in early stage of brain tumor.
So we apply image segmentation on image to detect edges of the images. In this ABC project, we applied image segmentation to detect tumor.
Here we proposed image segmentation process and many image filtering techniques for accuracy. This system is implemented in matlab.
9. Vehicle Number Plate Extraction using OCR Matlab Project PDF
Here we come up with an innovative system where characters are extracted from input number plate image. We used many image preprocessing steps in order to extract only text from number plate image.
Since images are more susceptible to noise and with many other unwanted objects. Noise is removed from image using effective noise removal method.
Before image preprocessing steps, RGB image is converted to gray scale image and image is resized keeping aspect ratio same.
Morphological processing is used which helps to detect text more accurately. Image is converted to double. Edge detection method is used to detect edges and image intensity level is increased. Objects which have gaps are filled.
10. Railway Track Fault Detection Matlab Project PDF
Here we propose an innovative approach to detect railway track crack as this system detects crack based on image processing. Many image preprocessing steps is used to detect railway track crack.
As image is prone to noise. System converts image to grayscale image and uses filtering to remove noise from image. Noise removal helps to detect crack more accurately. Image luminous level is increased and image is converted to binary image.
This helps system to detect only crack and helps to remove other unwanted objects. Image once converted to binary image, holes are filled by using image processing method this helps to reject all smaller objects which are not required for crack detection. Intensity value is used for accuracy purpose.
So, these are the simple matlab projects with source code pdf available online. We hope our simple matlab projects for beginners with source code has helped you. Please share these matlab project with source code with your friends as well 🙏
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Author: Delhi University