Machine Learning Projects with Documentation for Final Year
You will always find the updated list of top and best free machine learning projects for final year pdf in an easy and quick way. Our free machine learning project documentation pdf list has projects for beginners, intermediates as well as experts to learn in 2025.
Machine Learning is the vanguard of artificial intelligence what empowers systems to learn from data and improve over time. From recommendation engines to autonomous vehicles, its algorithms drive innovation and reshape the way we interact with technology.
machine learning project report pdf provides educational opportunities for college students who wants to acquire new skills and knowledge because they let you learn a lot without paying. You need to be dedicated, curious and take the lead in your learning to get the most out of these machine learning projects with source code free download.
We have provided multiple machine learning projects for final year pdf for any university student to enhance more knowledge about their project report on machine learning and to score better marks in their college exams.
College students can easily make use of all these machine learning projects pdf by downloading them. These free machine learning projects with source code will help you tremendously in preparation of your own college projects.
Table of Contents
1. Knee Osteoarthritis Detection and Severity Prediction Machine Learning Project PDF
The Knee Osteoarthritis Detection helps patients detect Osteoarthritis in their knees. Along with helping with early detection, this web application also detects the severity of the disorder.
The patient has the option to register and fill his details. He has to give his name, username, x-ray photo, guardian photo, his own photo, identity photo, licence photo and other details.
We can have people of same names but we cannot have people with similar username and hence there will be no mis-match. Each person will have a unique username and a particular detection along with its symptoms and solution.
2. Arcade Shooter Game Machine Learning Project PDF
The Arcade Shooter Game Machine Learning Project basically uses the pygame module. We use images and animate the images using pygame module.
We use pygame module to do button mapping and several other display function. We use classes to call functions after every iteration of the game level. The game has a tutorial and 4 levels. Each level has its own unique difficulty.
3. Online Fake Logo Detection System Machine Learning Project PDF
This Online Fake Logo Detection System Machine Learning Project aims to help consumers distinguish forgeries from the original product. Using this system, a consumer can verify whether a product is in fact an original.
This machine learning project documentation pdf can also be helpful for brands struggling to fight against forged products. Counterfeit products usually have an inferior built quality and along with stealing sales, they also damaging a brand’s reputation in the long run.
4. Doctor Appointment Booking & Live Chat Machine Learning Project PDF
In this Doctor Appointment Booking & Live Chat Machine Learning Project, the admin can manage or view the details of doctors, patients, diseases and can also receive feedback from the patients.
It also manages all the information of the doctor’s schedule, doctor fees, and appointments for the doctor. The doctor can chat with the patients directly to keep track and be up to date about their health status.
The patients can guess the disease by entering the symptoms they are suffering from and can also keep up-to-date knowledge about the new disease and its symptoms. If the user/patient is suffering from any of the diseases they can book an appointment for the same.
5. Facial Emotion Detection using Convolutional Neural Network Machine Learning Project PDF
This Facial Emotion Detection using Convolutional Neural Network Machine Learning Project can detect the Live Emotions of the particular user, system compares the information with a training dataset of known emotion to find a match.
Different emotion types are detected through the integration of information from facial expressions, body movement and gestures, and speech.
The technology is said to contribute in the emergence of the so-called emotional or emotive Internet, Algorithm involve the use of different supervised machine learning algorithms in which a large set of annotated data is fed into the algorithms for the system to learn and predict the appropriate emotion.
6. Cancer Prediction System using Naive Bayes Machine Learning Project PDF
In this Cancer Prediction System using Naive Bayes Machine Learning Project, users to get instant guidance on their Cancer disease through an intelligent system online.
The Cancer Disease Prediction web application is an end user support and online consultation project. The application is fed with various details and the Cancer disease associated with those details.
This ml project report user to share their Cancer related issues. It then processes user specific details to check for various cancer disease that could be associated with the inputs received from user.
7. Android Tour Recommendation Online App Machine Learning Project PDF
In this Android Tour Recommendation Online App Machine Learning Project, the user can make a day plan by selecting his list of places based on his preferences of Food & place type.
There can be any number of plans made and all the places are fetched using Google place API and based on Highest rating. The Plan considered your total number of hours added, so that it can calculate your travelling time + time spend on a particular location.
The final places can be manually sorted by the user or can use auto sort to get the proper route. The system will give suggestions of places where and when required based on other users plans.
8. Driver Drowsiness Detection System for Accident Prevention Machine Learning Project PDF
We aim to design and develop driver drowsiness detection and use image processing for detecting whether the driver is feeling fatigued and sleepy, using image processing we detect the eyes of the person and detect for how much time the eyes are closed of the driver if the eyes are closed for greater than 20 sec the speaker included in the system will sound an alert thus alerting the driver and waking him up, preventing an accident.
9. Automatic Salt Segmentation with UNET in Python Machine Learning Project PDF
Salt – affected lands are not used for agriculture. The presence of salt within the soil solution reduces the flexibility of the plant to absorb water, and this ends up in reductions within the rate of growth.
So, the salt segmentation is being done to find the land containing salt. Segmentation of salt deposits beneath the Earth surface, where the seismic image which are of a particular pixel, that pixel is either classified as salt or sediment.
The goal of this salt segmentation project is to segment region that contains salt. UNET architecture is used to achieve the segmentation results.
10. Transformer Conversational Chatbot in Python Machine Learning Project PDF
Chatbots is a computer program that conducts a conversation through auditory or textual methods. Conversational chatbots is a trending topic in artificial intelligence research.
These bots are often powered by retrieval-based models, which outputs predefined responses to questions of certain forms.
Chatbots, too often are unable to understand our intentions, have trouble getting us the correct information, and are sometimes just exasperatingly difficult to deal with. Deep learning is one of the most effective method in tackling this tough task.
So, these are the machine learning projects for final year pdf available online. We hope our machine learning project documentation pdf has helped you. Please share these machine learning project report pdf with your friends as well 🙏
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Author: Delhi University