CBSE Physics Deleted Syllabus Class 11 2021-22 reduced ncert

CBSE Physics Deleted Syllabus Class 11

Date: 7th Feb 2025

In this article, you can easily get the cbse class 11 Physics deleted syllabus 2021-22. We have provided Physics deleted syllabus class 11 for cbse students so that you can plan about the subject and score better marks in your NCERT class xi Physics exam 2021-22.

CBSE class 11 Physics students can easily make use of all these Physics class 11 deleted syllabus 2021-22 by downloading them.

This syllabus of Physics class 11 cbse 2021-22 will help you tremendously in preparation for your NCERT class xi Physics exam.

For better results in your NCERT class xi Physics exam, you have to practice CBSE Class 11 Question Papers, Class 11 Sample Papers, Class 11 Notes, Class 11 NCERT Books, NCERT Solutions for Class 11 and Class 11 Syllabus.

You can easily download the CBSE class 11 Physics deleted syllabus 2021-22 from below link:

Download Physics Reduced Syllabus Class 11 2021-22

You can also check new syllabus of Physics class 11 cbse 2020-21

CBSE Physics Deleted Syllabus Class 11

CBSE Physics Class 11 Deleted Syllabus 2021-22

Below we have listed the entire reduced syllabus of Physics class 11 CBSE 2020-21 which is decided to be deleted from the existing syllabus.

The deleted syllabus of Physics class 11 cbse 2020-21 is as follows:

cbse physics deleted syllabus class 11

Chapter No Chapter Name Deleted portion of Physics class 11 2021-22
Chapter 1 Physical World Physics-scope and excitement; nature of physical laws; Physics, technology and society
(To be discussed as a part of Introduction and integrated with other topics)
Chapter 3 Motion in a straight line Frame of reference, Motion in a straight line: Position-time graph, speed and velocity
Chapter 5 Laws of Motion Intuitive concept of force, Inertia, Newton’s first law of motion; momentum and Newton’s second law of motion; impulse; Newton’s third law of motion
Chapter 7 System of Particles and Rotational Motion Statement of parallel and perpendicular axes theorems and their applications
Chapter 8 Gravitation Kepler’s laws of planetary motion, Acceleration due to gravity
Chapter 9 Mechanical Properties of Solids Elastic behaviour, shear modulus of rigidity, Poisson’s ratio; elastic energy
Chapter 11 Thermal properties matter Heat, temperature, Heat transfer-conduction, convection and radiation
Chapter 12 Thermodynamics Heat engine and refrigerator
Chapter 15 Waves Fundamental mode and harmonics, Doppler effect

Practical portion of Class 11 Physics Deleted Syllabus

Following portions is the practical deleted syllabus of class 11 Physics:

Practicals: No investigatory project and Activity to be demonstrated

8 experiments (clubbed based on skills) in place of 12

We hope our deleted syllabus of cbse class 11 Physics has helped you. Please share this CBSE Physics Deleted Syllabus Class 11 2021-22 with your friends as well 🙏 wishes you Happy Learning! 🙂

NCERT Books Class 11

NCERT Solutions for Class 11

CBSE Class 11 Notes

CBSE Class 11 Syllabus 2022-23

CBSE Class 11 Deleted Syllabus

CBSE Class 11 Previous Year Question Papers

CBSE Class 11 Sample Papers

CBSE Physics Deleted Syllabus Class 11 FAQs

Where can I get class 11 Physics deleted syllabus for Term 1 & Term 2? have provided class 11 Physics deleted syllabus 2021-22 for Term 1 & Term 2 so that you can score good marks in your class 11 Physics exam.

Where can I get reduced portion of Class 11 Physics Syllabus 2020-21?

You can easily get the entire reduced portion of class 11 Physics syllabus 2020-21 which is decided to be deleted from the existing syllabus at

Class 12 Computer Science Previous Year Question Papers
CBSE Physics Deleted Syllabus Class 11 2021-22 reduced ncert

CBSE class 12 Computer Science previous year question papers with solutions are provided here for class 12 students to analyze their preparation and improve their performance accordingly in their CBSE class 12 Computer Science board exam 2025.


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