CBSE Biology Deleted Syllabus Class 12 2021-22 reduced ncert

CBSE Biology Deleted Syllabus Class 12

Date: 13th Feb 2025

In this article, you can easily get the cbse class 12 Biology deleted syllabus 2021-22. We have provided Biology deleted syllabus class 12 for cbse students so that you can plan about the subject and score better marks in your NCERT class xii Biology exam 2021-22.

CBSE class 12 Biology students can easily make use of all these Biology class 12 deleted syllabus 2021-22 by downloading them.

This syllabus of Biology class 12 cbse 2021-22 will help you tremendously in preparation for your NCERT class xii Biology exam.

For better results in your NCERT class xii Biology exam, you have to practice CBSE Class 12 Question Papers, Class 12 Sample Papers, Class 12 Notes, Class 12 NCERT Books, NCERT Solutions for Class 12 and Class 12 Syllabus.

You can easily download the CBSE class 12 Biology deleted syllabus 2021-22 from below link:

Download Biology Reduced Syllabus Class 12 2021-22

You can also check new syllabus of Biology class 12 cbse 2020-21

CBSE Biology Deleted Syllabus Class 12

CBSE Biology Class 12 Deleted Syllabus 2021-22

Below we have listed the entire reduced syllabus of Biology class 12 CBSE 2020-21 which is decided to be deleted from the existing syllabus.

The deleted syllabus of Biology class 12 cbse 2020-21 is as follows:

cbse biology deleted syllabus class 12
Practical portion of Class 12 Biology Deleted Syllabus

Chapter NoChapter NameDeleted portion of Biology class 12 2021-22
Chapter 1Reproduction in OrganismReproduction, a characteristic feature of all organisms for continuation of species; modes of reproduction – asexual and sexual reproduction; asexual reproduction – binary fission, sporulation, budding, gemmule formation, fragmentation; vegetative propagation in plants.
Chapter 7EvolutionOrigin of life; biological evolution and evidences for biological evolution (paleontology, comparative anatomy, embryology and molecular evidences); Darwin’s contribution, modern synthetic theory of evolution; mechanism of evolution – variation (mutation and recombination) and natural selection with examples, types of natural selection; Gene flow and genetic drift; Hardy – Weinberg’s principle; adaptive radiation; human evolution
Chapter 9Strategies for Enhancement in Food ProductionAnimal husbandry, Plant breeding, tissue culture, single cell protein
Chapter 14EcosystemEcosystems: Patterns, components; productivity and decomposition; energy flow; pyramids of number, biomass, energy; nutrient cycles (carbon and phosphorous); ecological succession; ecological services – carbon fixation, pollination, seed dispersal, oxygen release (in brief).
Chapter 16Environmental IssuesAir pollution and its control; water pollution and its control; agrochemicals and
their effects; solid waste management; radioactive waste management;
greenhouse effect and climate change impact and mitigation; ozone layer
depletion; deforestation; exemplifying case study as success story addressing
environmental issue(s)

Practical portion of Class 12 Biology Deleted Syllabus

Following portions is the practical deleted syllabus of class 12 Biology:

A: List of Experiments

  1. Study the presence of suspended particulate matter in air at two widely different sites
  2. Study the plant population density by quadrat method
  3. Study the plant population frequency by quadrat method

B. Study/Observer of the following (spotting)

  1. Pollen germination on stigma through a permanent slide or scanning electron micrograph
  2. Mendelian inheritance using seeds of different colour/sizes of any plant
  3. Controlled pollination – emasculation, tagging and bagging

We hope our deleted syllabus of cbse class 12 Biology has helped you. Please share this CBSE Biology Deleted Syllabus Class 12 2021-22 with your friends as well 🙏 wishes you Happy Learning! 🙂

NCERT Books Class 12

NCERT Solutions for Class 12

CBSE Class 12 Notes

CBSE Class 12 Syllabus 2022-23

CBSE Class 12 Deleted Syllabus

CBSE Class 12 Previous Year Question Papers

CBSE Class 12 Sample Papers

CBSE Biology Deleted Syllabus Class 12 FAQs

Where can I get class 12 Biology deleted syllabus for Term 1 & Term 2? have provided class 12 Biology deleted syllabus 2021-22 for Term 1 & Term 2 so that you can score good marks in your class 12 Biology exam.

Where can I get reduced portion of Class 12 Biology Syllabus 2020-21?

You can easily get the entire reduced portion of class 12 Biology syllabus 2020-21 which is decided to be deleted from the existing syllabus at

Class 12 Computer Science Previous Year Question Papers
CBSE Biology Deleted Syllabus Class 12 2021-22 reduced ncert

CBSE class 12 Computer Science previous year question papers with solutions are provided here for class 12 students to analyze their preparation and improve their performance accordingly in their CBSE class 12 Computer Science board exam 2025.


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